
Acceptance rate:
Impact Factor (JCR):
IF rank (Oncology):
IF rank (Immunology):
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Aims and scope

The Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer (JITC) is the open access, peer reviewed, online journal of the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC). The journal publishes articles on all aspects of tumor immunology and cancer immunotherapy and, in doing so, aims to enrich communication and advance scientific understanding among the many stakeholders in this rapidly evolving field. Topics of interest range widely across the basic science-translational-clinical spectrum and include tumor-host interactions, the tumor microenvironment, animal models, predictive and prognostic immune biomarkers, novel pharmaceutical and cellular therapies, vaccines, combination immune-based therapies, and immune-related toxicity.

Editorial board

For information about Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer Editor-in-Chief Michael T. Lotze and his editorial team, please refer to the Editorial Board page.


BMJ publishes JITC on behalf of the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer.

Journal information

Publication Model
Open access
Launch date
Digital Archives
Indexed by
Web of Science Core Collection: Science Citation Index Expanded; MEDLINE (Index Medicus), PubMed Central, Scopus, DOAJ, Google Scholar
Peer Review Model
Single anonymised; the names of reviewers are hidden from the author
Print ISSN
Online ISSN

Journal Statistics 2024

Acceptance rate: 21%
Speed Time to first decision without review: 7 days (median) Time to first decision with review: 45 days (median) Time from acceptance to publication: 23 days (median)
Impact Impact Factor (JCR): 10.3 Impact Factor rank : 26/241 (Oncology), 12/181 (Immunology) 5 Year Impact Factor: 11.6 Journal Citation Indicator: 2.02 Eigenfactor: 0.06071 Citescore: 17.7 Citescore rank: 25/404 Scimago Journal rank (SJR): 3.728
Reach Total content views: 987,869 Total Altmetric mentions: 5,272
The impact that academic research has cannot be defined by one single metric. In 2013, BMJ signed the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA). We did this to show our support for using multiple measures and metrics to portray journals’ impact; moving away from the Impact Factor as a single measure. How we get these metrics

Contact information

For all contact information please refer to the contact us page.

For authors

Please refer to the Instructions for authors.


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The Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) is the world’s leading member-driven organization specifically dedicated to improving cancer patient outcomes by advancing the science and application of cancer immunotherapy. Its mission is to improve cancer patient outcomes by advancing the science, development and application of cancer immunology and immunotherapy through our core values of interaction/integration, innovation, translation and leadership in the field.
BMJ is a founding member of COPE (the Committee on Publication Ethics), which provides a forum for publishers and Editors of scientific journals to discuss issues relating to the integrity of the work submitted to or published in their journals.
The EQUATOR Network is an international initiative that seeks to improve the value of medical research literature by promoting transparent, accurate reporting of research studies. BMJ is a sponsor of its activities.
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BMJ is a founding organisation of the AllTrials initiative, which calls for all past and present clinical trials to be registered and their results reported.