Case Reports

Section Edited by Sebastian Kobold, MD JITC welcomes Case Reports that include the following:
  • Novel immunotherapies, including early clinical data describing initial clinical experiences in one to three (1-3) patients
  • Topics covering the clinical introduction and application of novel immunotherapies, unexpected or unusual presentations of clinical responses to immunotherapies, new associations or variations in disease progression and/or response to immunotherapies, and unreported or unusual side effects or adverse interactions involving new (not PD-(L)1 and/or CTLA-4) checkpoints or cellular therapies
  • Clinical and/or translational results providing insight for mechanisms of response and/or toxicity
  • Newly emerging and/or clinically important side effects involving immunotherapy or cellular therapies
JITC will not consider submissions with the following:
  • Established toxicities or responses
  • Clinical descriptions that lack mechanistic investigations
  • Preventive or therapeutic interventions, as these generally require stronger evidence
Case reports should include relevant positive and negative findings from history, examination and translational investigation. They should include experimental figures and clinical photographs, the latter of which must be accompanied by written consent to publish from the patient(s). They should also include an up-to-date discussion of all previous cases in the field and relate to ongoing or finished clinical trials.

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