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Clinical/Translational Cancer Immunotherapy

Section Edited by Jason J. Luke, MD, FACP and Douglas G. McNeel, MD, PhD Clinical trials: prospective studies including first-in-man clinical trials, phase II/III clinical studies, and immune monitoring investigations. Small, single institution-based retrospective reports are discouraged. Preclinical studies: studies that lead to mechanistic understanding or novel development of agents and combination therapies directly relevant to human immunotherapy.

Showing results 71 - 80 of 100

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Randomized, open-label, phase II, biomarker study of immune-mediated mechanism of action of neoadjuvant subcutaneous trastuzumab in patients with locally advanced, inflammatory, or early HER2-positive breast cancer—Immun-HER trial (GOIRC-01-2016)
Benedetta Pellegrino, Chiara Tommasi, Olga Serra, Stefania Gori, Elisabetta Cretella, Massimo Ambroggi, Antonio Frassoldati, Giancarlo Bisagni, Chiara Casarini, Emilio Bria, Luisa Carbognin, Elena Fiorio, Antonella Mura, Claudio Zamagni, Lorenzo GianniSee the full list of authors

28 November 2023