Strategies for improving the management of immune-related adverse eventsAung Naing, Joud Hajjar, James L Gulley, Michael B Atkins, Gennaro Ciliberto, Funda Meric-Bernstam, Patrick Hwu
12 December 2020
SITC cancer immunotherapy resource document: a compass in the land of biomarker discoverySiwen Hu-Lieskovan, Srabani Bhaumik, Kavita Dhodapkar, Jean-Charles J B Grivel, Sumati Gupta, Brent A Hanks, Sylvia Janetzki, Thomas O Kleen, Yoshinobu Koguchi, Amanda W Lund, Cristina Maccalli, Yolanda D Mahnke, Ruslan D Novosiadly, Senthamil R Selvan, Tasha SimsSee the full list of authors
2 December 2020
Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer clinical and biomarkers data sharing resource document: Volume I—conceptual challengesSergio Rutella, Michael A Cannarile, Sacha Gnjatic, Bruno Gomes, Justin Guinney, Vaios Karanikas, Mohan Karkada, John M Kirkwood, Beatrix Kotlan, Giuseppe V Masucci, Els Meeusen, Anne Monette, Aung Naing, Vésteinn Thorsson, Nicholas TscherniaSee the full list of authors
30 October 2020
The Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) clinical practice guideline on immunotherapy for the treatment of acute leukemiaMichael M Boyiadzis, Ivan Aksentijevich, Daniel A Arber, John Barrett, Renier J Brentjens, Jill Brufsky, Jorge Cortes, Marcos De Lima, Stephen J Forman, Ephraim J Fuchs, Linda J Fukas, Steven D Gore, Mark R Litzow, Jeffrey S Miller, John M PagelSee the full list of authors
19 October 2020
The Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer consensus statement on immunotherapy for the treatment of multiple myelomaNina Shah, Jack Aiello, David E Avigan, Jesus G Berdeja, Ivan M Borrello, Ajai Chari, Adam D Cohen, Karthik Ganapathi, Lissa Gray, Damian Green, Amrita Krishnan, Yi Lin, Elisabet Manasanch, Nikhil C Munshi, Ajay K NookaSee the full list of authors
12 July 2020
Current challenges for assessing the long-term clinical benefit of cancer immunotherapy: a multi-stakeholder perspectiveCasey Quinn, Louis P Garrison, Anja K Pownell, Michael B Atkins, Gérard de Pouvourville, Kevin Harrington, Paolo Antonio Ascierto, Phil McEwan, Samuel Wagner, John Borrill, Elise Wu
12 July 2020
Immune-related (IR)-pneumonitis during the COVID-19 pandemic: multidisciplinary recommendations for diagnosis and managementJarushka Naidoo, Joshua E Reuss, Karthik Suresh, David Feller-Kopman, Patrick M Forde, Seema Mehta Steinke, Clare Rock, Douglas B Johnson, Mizuki Nishino, Julie R Brahmer
17 June 2020
The Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer statement on best practices for multiplex immunohistochemistry (IHC) and immunofluorescence (IF) staining and validationJanis M Taube, Guray Akturk, Michael Angelo, Elizabeth L Engle, Sacha Gnjatic, Shirley Greenbaum, Noah F Greenwald, Cyrus V Hedvat, Travis J Hollmann, Jonathan Juco, Edwin R Parra, Marlon C Rebelatto, David L Rimm, Jaime Rodriguez-Canales, Kurt A SchalperSee the full list of authors
15 May 2020
The Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer perspective on regulation of interleukin-6 signaling in COVID-19-related systemic inflammatory responseFernanda I Arnaldez, Steven J O"Day, Charles G Drake, Bernard A Fox, Bingqing Fu, Walter J Urba, Vincenzo Montesarchio, Jeffrey S Weber, Haiming Wei, Jon M Wigginton, Paolo Antonio Ascierto
7 May 2020
Defining tumor resistance to PD-1 pathway blockade: recommendations from the first meeting of the SITC Immunotherapy Resistance TaskforceHarriet M. Kluger, Hussein A. Tawbi, Maria L. Ascierto, Michaela Bowden, Margaret K. Callahan, Edward Cha, Helen X. Chen, Charles G. Drake, David M. Feltquate, Robert L. Ferris, James L. Gulley, Shilpa Gupta, Rachel W. Humphrey, Theresa M. LaVallee, Dung T. LeSee the full list of authors
1 April 2020