Section Edited by Aude Chapuis, MD and Marcela V. Maus, MD, PhD
Immune cell therapies and cell engineering approaches, new targets, novel functionalities, clinical trial results, correlative studies in patients who have received cell-based therapies, novel engineering strategies (molecular switches, conditional expression, logic gating), gene-edited cells to knock out or knock in novel functions, synthetic gene circuits. Includes pre-clinical animal modeling (small and large) and clinical trials.
iPSC-derived natural killer cells expressing the FcγR fusion CD64/16A can be armed with antibodies for multitumor antigen targetingKristin M Snyder, Kate J Dixon, Zachary Davis, Martin Hosking, Geoffrey Hart, Melissa Khaw, Anders Matson, Ryan Bjordahl, Bryan Hancock, Soheila Shirinbak, Jeffrey S Miller, Bahram Valamehr, Jianming Wu, Bruce Walcheck
6 December 2023
CXCL10 and Nrf2-upregulated mesenchymal stem cells reinvigorate T lymphocytes for combating glioblastomaJiaji Mao, Jianing Li, Junwei Chen, Qin Wen, Minghui Cao, Fang Zhang, Baoxun Li, Qinyuan Zhang, Zhe Wang, Jingzhong Zhang, Jun Shen
6 December 2023
Allogeneic NK cells induce monocyte-to-dendritic cell conversion, control tumor growth, and trigger a pro-inflammatory shift in patient-derived cultures of primary and metastatic colorectal cancerElisa C Toffoli, Amanda A van Vliet, Henk W M Verheul, Hans J van der Vliet, Jurriaan Tuynman, Jan Spanholtz, Tanja D de Gruijl
6 December 2023
Deletion of the protein tyrosine phosphatase PTPN22 for adoptive T cell therapy facilitates CTL effector function but promotes T cell exhaustionAlexandra Rose Teagle, Patricia Castro-Sanchez, Rebecca J Brownlie, Nicola Logan, Simran S Kapoor, David Wright, Robert J Salmond, Rose Zamoyska
6 December 2023
Chimeric antigen receptor T cells to target CD79b in B-cell lymphomasFuliang Chu, Jingjing Cao, Jingwei Liu, Haopeng Yang, Timothy J Davis, Shao-qing Kuang, Xiaoyun Cheng, Zheng Zhang, Swathi Karri, Long T Vien, Laura Bover, Ryan Sun, Francisco Vega, Michael Green, Richard Eric DavisSee the full list of authors
24 November 2023
Framework humanization optimizes potency of anti-CD72 nanobody CAR-T cells for B-cell malignanciesWilliam C Temple, Matthew A Nix, Akul Naik, Adila Izgutdina, Benjamin J Huang, Gianina Wicaksono, Paul Phojanakong, Juan Antonio Camara Serrano, Elizabeth P Young, Emilio Ramos, Fernando Salangsang, Veronica Steri, Simayijiang Xirenayi, Michelle Hermiston, Aaron C LoganSee the full list of authors
24 November 2023
CD8 chimeric antigen receptor T cells manufactured in absence of CD4 cells exhibit hypofunctional phenotypeSang Yun Lee, Dong Hoon Lee, Wei Sun, Francisco Cervantes-Contreras, Ryan S Basom, Feinan Wu, Si Liu, Richa Rai, Hamid R Mirzaei, Shyril O’Steen, Damian J Green, Mazyar Shadman, Brian G Till
20 November 2023
Timed adoptive T cell transfer during chemotherapy in patients with recurrent platinum-sensitive epithelial ovarian cancerEls M E Verdegaal, Saskia J Santegoets, Marij J P Welters, Linda de Bruin, Marten Visser, Caroline E van der Minne, Pita M de Kok, Nikki M Loof, Sanne Boekestijn, Inge Roozen, Inge M Westra, Pauline Meij, Sjoerd H Van der Burg, Judith R Kroep
10 November 2023
Modification of Lugano criteria by pre-infusion tumor kinetics improves early survival prediction for patients with lymphoma under chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapyMichael Winkelmann, Viktoria Blumenberg, Kai Rejeski, Christina Quell, Veit Bücklein, Maria Ingenerf, Marcus Unterrainer, Christian Schmidt, Franziska J Dekorsy, Peter Bartenstein, Jens Ricke, Michael von Bergwelt-Baildon, Marion Subklewe, Wolfgang G Kunz
25 October 2023
Neoantigen-specific CD4 tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes are potent effectors identified within adoptive cell therapy products for metastatic melanoma patientsMacLean S. Hall, Jamie K. Teer, Xiaoqing Yu, Holly Branthoover, Sebastian Snedal, Madeline Rodriguez-Valentin, Luz Nagle, Ellen Scott, Ben Schachner, Patrick Innamarato, Amy M. Hall, Jamie Blauvelt, Carolyn J. Rich, Allison D. Richards, Jake CeccarelliSee the full list of authors
6 October 2023