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Clinical Cancer Immunotherapy

Section Edited by Jason J. Luke, MD, FACP and Douglas G. McNeel, MD, PhD Clinical cancer immunotherapy articles cover clinical trials and mechanistic studies using blood or tissue specimens from patients treated with immunotherapy agents (translational subset). Clinical trial articles are prospective studies including first-in-human clinical trials using agents with novel mechanisms of action, or phase II/III clinical studies, that show clinical outcome and/or translational immune investigations. Small, single institution-based trials and retrospective reports are discouraged. Reports purely for biomarker development are discouraged, and should be submitted to the Immunotherapy Biomarkers section. Clinical trial manuscripts must be accompanied by a protocol and clinical trial registration number. Large phase II/III trials with robust clinical outcomes, or smaller trials accompanied by mechanistic, correlative studies, are encouraged.

Showing results 61 - 70 of 100

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Gal-3 blocks the binding between PD-1 and pembrolizumab
Stinne Ravn Greisen, Mia Bendix, Morten Aagaard Nielsen, Kathrine Pedersen, Nina Haunstrup Jensen, Malene Hvid, Jakob Hauge Mikkelsen, Taner Drace, Thomas Boesen, Torben Steiniche, Henrik Schmidt, Bent Deleuran

2 October 2024